gracecheung604 | write on time: Day 1

Tuesday, August 28, 1990

Day 1

Day One
Starting weight: X
Started planning for Usana Reset Monday night by chilling the water in the Blender Bottle. I like my drinks either really hot or really cold, so chilling the water and bottle was essential. Woke up this morning and dropped in the French Vanilla Nutrimeal Powder and shook like mad. Still not cold enough? Toss in frozen blueberries which thickens the shake slightly and adds flavour too!
I don't normally eat breakfast, but for some reason, this morning, it seemed like the most important thing? Brought the shake to work and kept it in the fridge for most of the morning. Poured out half a cup into a coffee mug and tried to drink it. Yes, tried, I found it way too thick to sip, I used 350ml of water to make the shake, their recommendation is 290-340ml. So I grabbed a spoon and ate half a cup, a spoonful at a time. So now, it reminds me of melted ice cream. However, I could feel myself getting full from just this half, plus a lot of water...I think I had about 1L by mid-morning.
The plan is to finish the last half of the shake this afternoon in the office. So I think I am going to save the Oatmeal Raisin Usana bar for "dinner". You are also supposed to supplement with a serving each of fruits and vegetable, so my dessert tonight will be a giant grapefruit that I bought in Point Roberts over the weekend. 

Ah, as I write this, I realized I have forgotten my morning vitamins. Tore open the package and stared at the pills (combination of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants) awaiting me. Once the package is opened, you get a whiff that is slightly overwhelming.
I am keeping myself busy and distracted by thinking about what I am going to eat on Sunday...I'm thinking Hapa Umi or Ki, definitely something Japanese...we'll see how these cravings change throughout the week.

And I think I will be hitting the sack pretty early...say 10pm? Must stop thinking about food.
Day One - continued
Home after work and still only managed to have one shake the entire day. Filled up on water instead though, I almost feel like I'm drowning. Strange to not want to eat either though, I looked at the nutritional content on one of the Usana Bars (Oatmeal Raisin) and as a snack, it does sound pretty healthy; containing 170 calories, 2.5g of fat (serving size is 50g), 3g of fibre, 16g of sugar and 9g of protein. However, I just wasn't hungry. I realize that the fibre might be a good thing, so I will have half a bar before bed. Never made it to the grapefruit either, just water. Oh, but I did remember to have my PM vitamins! Putting my Blender Bottle in the fridge now for tomorrow...I'm thinking Wild Strawberry!
So I think I'm going to hit the sack early for real...because I can't drink, don't feel like eating but I can go to bed early and read a book! All in all, a good Day One of Reset. Not tired or anything, just feel like I'm eating healthier, no room or desire for junk food, yet.

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