You place your order with the hostess outside and are then told to wait until one of the servers comes out to guide you inside. You place your hand on your server's shoulder and are led to your table. You are given a Bread Roll, Butter and water (they weren't licensed when I went, not sure if they are now). A knife and for are also at your table. This is where it gets interesting...try to butter the roll! We managed to put our fingers into the butter dish, getting more butter on our hands than on the roll.
You have a choice of two ($33) or three ($39) courses, and we decided on doing the three course version. The appetizer is a surprise, and it's the same or everyone. On the night we went, it was a Green Salad. Trying to figure out what you are eating, while trying to stab at little pieces of lettuce and arugula is very difficult! Several times, I would bring the fork to my mouth only to realize that I had nothing on my fork! No picture of this because I actually finished it.