I think my umbrella is permanently attached to my hand. You know you've had a great weekend when you're glad it's Monday, just for the normalcy it brings.
Chatted with 416/905 and got all caught up! Exciting weekends all around!
My bff felt sorry for my limping and scored me some BBQ Duck for dinner. Just heat, eat, and repeat! Too lazy to make rice. Too sick of instant noodles. Too tired to be inventive!
Sleep fairly early and discovered the beauty of Bedside mode on my berry...I think I'm addicted to it now.
Eat, IG, Repeat | Mom to @charliebarlie604 | 🍷 lover | #latergrammer cuz I'm living in the moment | FOOD is a VERB | idiot wrapped in an enigma | 👇
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Skating Sunday

But had to head over to pick up bff for a work event…knowing that there was no way I could actually partake in the skating portion of the event. We got lost trying to find the location, and drove all around Burnaby, until the thing practically jumped out at us. The biggest fear was running out of gas…
She came home with me and gave me a much-needed and very thorough manicure, all while we watched the American Music Awards from last week! What a great way to end an all-too-exciting weekend.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Swinging Saturday
Woke up late and with a sore ankle…didn’t get to meet up for brunch with the 416ers who were still on 416 time! Had a quickie bowl of pho and then met up with them at the hotel. Dinner wasn’t until later, so we decided to do something cultural in the afternoon.
We decided to go to the Aquarium in Stanley Park. I can’t believe what a great time we had. We saw sharks, eels, snakes, cockroaches, bats, stick bugs…and the truly disgusting Pacific Hagfish. Hagfish scavenge the dead: they enter a fish’s mouth and anus to eat it from the inside out. They’re nature’s trash collectors. Damn…that’s nasty!
To give her sister and beau some privacy, Jules and I headed to Rosie’s for a quick drink and a small bite…and to catch the first period of the Canucks versus Oilers game. After 5 goals in the first period, all Jules could say was…WOW, this never happens in Toronto! That’s right sister! So with a successful first period over, we headed back to the hotel where the sisters got ready for dinner. The BF and I just drank Smirnoff Ice (yes, he FINALLY managed to get his hands on some)!We were well taken care of at Cibo - as usual. The pastas were good, and the wines were even better! Good thing we didn't eat too much because there is no way I would have agreed to go clubbing after a full meal.
So now, the party animals are interested in clubbing tonight! Well, I managed to swing a hookup and got us into Republic…on the guest list…Had another few drinks there…and danced on my twisted ankle!
To continue the trend of WORLDS COLLIDE, I ran into a good friend of an old friend outside the club and chatted – er, at least that’s what I was told…hic!!
Decided to call it a night, heading to Uva for a coffee before bed. Had a buddy come and meet up…and we just chilled for an hour or so and slowly made my way home…as my mind’s fog began clearing…

To give her sister and beau some privacy, Jules and I headed to Rosie’s for a quick drink and a small bite…and to catch the first period of the Canucks versus Oilers game. After 5 goals in the first period, all Jules could say was…WOW, this never happens in Toronto! That’s right sister! So with a successful first period over, we headed back to the hotel where the sisters got ready for dinner. The BF and I just drank Smirnoff Ice (yes, he FINALLY managed to get his hands on some)!We were well taken care of at Cibo - as usual. The pastas were good, and the wines were even better! Good thing we didn't eat too much because there is no way I would have agreed to go clubbing after a full meal.

To continue the trend of WORLDS COLLIDE, I ran into a good friend of an old friend outside the club and chatted – er, at least that’s what I was told…hic!!
Decided to call it a night, heading to Uva for a coffee before bed. Had a buddy come and meet up…and we just chilled for an hour or so and slowly made my way home…as my mind’s fog began clearing…
Friday, November 27, 2009
416 meets 604

During the course of the night, I hate to say it, but WORLDS STILL COLLIDING.
When I filled Jules in on the whole convoluted circle that is know as the tiny world of Vancouver, even HER jaw dropped. Things like this just doesn’t happen in TO.
Unfortunately, I twisted my ankle getting up from the table, and it took my very kind 604 friend to carry me to the car, princess-style.
I was unceremoniously dumped into his Gayman…but who’s complaining after a twisted and slightly swollen ankle.
Good thing the original plan of clubbing fell through, because I probably would've broken the damn ankle...
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thundering Thursday

When I got asked to go to this game, I didn’t even know it was PPV. A couple of my co-workers were doing the PPV at Earl’s and there was a twinge when I found out I couldn’t go.
All twinges were gone once the Canucks got onto the ice though.
Great effort by Burrows, Sedin, Glass and especially Wellwood – who ended his 23 game drought with an empty netter!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
What a Wednesday

We decided to go to Voya for dinner at the Loden hotel. Funky atmosphere...
The food was amazing...we started off with two dozen oysters…well, we started off with martinis, then oysters…then sliders, and a wild salmon tempura roll.
Whoa…almost had to roll outta there! But it sure was worth it.
Made for a very interesting night...
I like people who like food…
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tidying Tuesday

After she felt a ltitle less stressed, we got ready and headed out for dinner at Milestone's with some of my stepdad's friends. So nice that they picked a place that I could walk to!
Although these people are strangers...they're not really that strange (corny, I know). They are nice, although a little bit older than the people I normally hang with! :)
Forced myself to have another early night, since I know I'll be making a night of it every night the rest of this week!! Got home, showered and hopped into bed.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Malady Monday
Woke up with a very bad asthma attack and decided to stay home. Was trying to fight it off all weekend, but I guess I didn't take enough Vitamin C...
Friend of mine brought over some sushi which was supposed to be lunch, and ended up being dinner. Very good sushi...probably because I didn't eat all day!
Slept early so that I'd be nice and fresh for work tomorrow, it's going to be fun catching up on everything!
Friend of mine brought over some sushi which was supposed to be lunch, and ended up being dinner. Very good sushi...probably because I didn't eat all day!
Slept early so that I'd be nice and fresh for work tomorrow, it's going to be fun catching up on everything!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Shutout Sunday

Sure was nice to see #22 back in fine form...too cute!
Good fights and good friends...can't complain.
Oh, except for the expensive cheap wine that came in a cracked plastic cup...spilled more than I drank, dammit!
Chatted on the phone after I got home, and had a late night visitor too. I can't turn down a friend who needs a place to sober up...I'd feel too guilty!
So much for an early night.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Solo Saturday
Woke up late and had to meet my mom to deal with her car insurance for while she is in HK. Good thing the agent is a friend and we were able to push it back an hour. Did the good daughter thing and went for brunch at White Spot. Contrary to last week's brunch at Milestone's where I couldn't eat, I ATE! Nat's Hearty...that's a hangover cure!
Stayed home to relax and recover, and had bbf over for some tv and gossip. Always fun!
Stayed home to relax and recover, and had bbf over for some tv and gossip. Always fun!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Finally Friday

Headed over to Soho Billiards to meet a friend that were playing a round of pool before a poker game. Got there and realize that his friends were friends of.... Then, hooked up with an old university buddy...headed down Granville Street in search of a glass of wine. Headed back to his place to catch up some more. Fun times. Turns out we know a lot of the same people now, and after a few more "do you know...s", I found that I even know his hairdresser. WORLDS COLLIDE
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Family Fursday

Saw through my niece's FB page that she's connected to my brother-in-law. I searched in vain for my sister, but heard back from him (after he added me). Have to start watching what I say now.
Also found an old university buddy of mine, I remember the days he'd drive me home from school...turns out he knows some of the same people as me. WORLDS COLLIDE but this time, in a GOOOOOD way.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wet Wednesday

Got another new contact on my FB...my second cousin from Hong Kong...the power of this thing continues to astound me! Trying to see how long I can keep my theme of WORLDS COLLIDE going. Two more days and it will be a solid week!
Tonight's plans were made when the world was dry, so I still decided to head out for a drink...not really a friend, not really an acquaintance...more like a contact, with lots of other contacts.
Ended up having a great time...lots of people we know in common...like the same people, dislike the same people...makes for a beautiful friendship. Nothing unites like a common enemy.:p
Two martinis...a glass of shiraz and a plate of dry ribs later...this girl was ready for bed...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Terrific Tuesday

Got to work with hardly any traffic, and had a pretty productive morning. After the madness of yesterday, today seemed almost boring!
Lunch was a nice hot bowl of Duck Noodle Soup from Camay Wok at the food court downstairs. It wasn't as good as I remembered it, but then again...I have been pretty spoiled by Chinese food all weekend long!
Headed home after a little bit of overtime and had a crazy long drive home...sigh...you'd thing 604ers would be more accustomed to driving in the rain. And what's with people parking on the inside lane lately...*clapped* a little when I saw someone getting a ticket and another one getting towed. Somebody's has to teach those bozos a lesson!
Had a longish chat with a friend of mine, and at the end of the day...denial is not a river to some people, it's a way of life.
After last Tuesday's very interesting dinner with an ex-colleague from Cell City, I reconnected with another colleague from that era. She lives in HK now, and is the proud mom of a beautiful little girl. Can't believe the power of FB...not exactly a collision but enough of one to qualify for my WORLDS COLLIDE theme.
Decided not to turn the tv on (self-imposed ban), and was successful! But's it's almost 8 now...and my resolve is weakening...
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday, all day

Slept in and wanted to sleep in even more. But alas, morning Sales and Marketing call at 8:30 demanded that I be nice and early. Crazy busy preparing for a national presentation this week, but at least I got it all done. WHEW.
And as if I don't have enough on my plate...the United Way kickoff luncheon was today too. Sigh...volunteered? volun-told? It's the new girl's joy/job, I suppose!
Headed downstairs for a quick smoke break with my bff...and noticed someone staring longingly at her legs...then I realized...I recognized the someone...seriously...WORLDS COLLIDE for the fourth day in a row.
After a long day that ended promptly at 4, I hauled my tired butt home and just watched mindless tv...until it was time for my skype session with 416/905. Boogie was so cute...ears getting all perky at the sound of my voice and laughter. Warms my heart. Realized that we have to plan out Xmas and NYE...coordinating family and friends...
Watched about 1.5 episodes of Fringe and decided to call it a night.
Hopped onto FB and updated more of the 416/905ers on my return...planting the seeds of a SBD reunion at the local Moxies...hehe. As if you'd expect anything less.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Spaghetti Sunday
Since I slept at 5, it's not surprise that I woke up around 1pm. Grabbed a quickie shower and headed to Copa to satisfy my Tongue craving - which started after the Lamb Tongue at Uva. Got leftovers for dinner!
Sat down by the door and heard the all-too-recognizable voice of an old friend. Considering I haven't seen him since the 90s, it's shocking that I recognized the voice...and that he recognized me too! For the third day in a row...WORLDS COLLIDE! The video here is his new venture. I truly wish him the best of luck...his stuff rocks!
And then...surprise of surprises...I added a friend from highschool days to my BBM...and we can talk for FREE! I *heart* my blackberry.
Sat down by the door and heard the all-too-recognizable voice of an old friend. Considering I haven't seen him since the 90s, it's shocking that I recognized the voice...and that he recognized me too! For the third day in a row...WORLDS COLLIDE! The video here is his new venture. I truly wish him the best of luck...his stuff rocks!
And then...surprise of surprises...I added a friend from highschool days to my BBM...and we can talk for FREE! I *heart* my blackberry.
So, it's Sunday...
Ran into an friend from ages ago at Copa...he's involved with this...totally cool! Blast it!!
Hardihood's first annual fashion show. from HARDIHOOD CLOTHING CO. on Vimeo.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Showering Saturday
Regular brunch date with my mom this morning...good thing my stepdad came along too. We decided to go to Milestones...but I had nothing to eat...there was just nothing I wanted. They came over afterwards and we proceeded to fix my lights and other hardware issues.
Decided to call a friend and we headed down to Phnom Penh for lunch...that's why I couldn't eat at Milestones...too much Eggs Benny lately. A bowl of Beef Brisket (SPICY) and a half order of chicken wings later...satisfaction!
Went shopping with my friend for my housewarming gift...a humidifier. Found a sexy and sleek one at London Drugs, after a disappointing Costco visit. Ran into a co-worker at Brentwood Mall...and again...WORLDS COLLIDE!
Headed home for a much needed nap...triple header of hockey tonight...Canucks on at 7pm. Watched the first period at home, and then headed to Cactus Club for a Spiked Frap and some Dry Ribs...and to watch the Canucks win!
Alas, the evening didn't end on a high note despite the Canucks win...but I did manage to get to bed...at 5am...I've watched more TNG in the last few days than I have in a long time. What can I say...I'm a geek.
Decided to call a friend and we headed down to Phnom Penh for lunch...that's why I couldn't eat at Milestones...too much Eggs Benny lately. A bowl of Beef Brisket (SPICY) and a half order of chicken wings later...satisfaction!
Went shopping with my friend for my housewarming gift...a humidifier. Found a sexy and sleek one at London Drugs, after a disappointing Costco visit. Ran into a co-worker at Brentwood Mall...and again...WORLDS COLLIDE!
Headed home for a much needed nap...triple header of hockey tonight...Canucks on at 7pm. Watched the first period at home, and then headed to Cactus Club for a Spiked Frap and some Dry Ribs...and to watch the Canucks win!
Alas, the evening didn't end on a high note despite the Canucks win...but I did manage to get to bed...at 5am...I've watched more TNG in the last few days than I have in a long time. What can I say...I'm a geek.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Friday the Thirteenth

Headed down to Charm in Yaletown, but it was DEAD. Decided to walk back to the car...and saw an interesting group of Three Musketeers...I was thinking one thing...my friend was thinking another thing...and as we discussed the trio...WORLDS COLLIDE...and I will never be the same again. Never ever? Never ever...talk about a black Friday...
Decided to head home and just sip some wine...being under the blanket just couldn't come fast enough...it was a cold night here in YVR..
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Three to Five Inch Thursday

Went with bff, who darkened her hair...she's gorgeous!
We went to Uva for a drink to visit a friend who is also leaving for a trip this Sunday...he's off to Chile for 12 days...lucky boy!
Ran into a newly engaged friends that I haven't seen since the summer. They are the cutest couple...sent over two glasses of vino for me and bff...alas, I repaid their kindness with shots of Van Gogh... :) - It's like dessert...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Remembrance Wednesday
In Flanders Fields...I remember reciting this as a child in elementary school (SFX)...
Headed downtown to have lunch with a friend who isn't as lucky as me...meaning he actually had to work today. Cactus Club was the venue and instead of our usual "Two Rocket Salads and Two Diet Cokes", I had the short rib sandwich and he had the chicken tenders. He still had a Diet Coke, but I stuck it out with water.
After that, headed to another friend's place for a smoke...yes, that is now an "event".
Then off to Oakridge for coffee with a friend who's leaving on a Roman Holiday...and a Mediterranean Cruise this Sunday. Good times and good chats!
Dinner was interesting...organized a little outing with some work people to head to Earl's for a bevvy and some appies...and wouldn't you know it...we win shots. Since my bff doesn't drink...we had a drink to spare...it was a MaGical night...yup...it sure was.
Strangely more tired on a day off than I would be on a workday...sigh.
Headed downtown to have lunch with a friend who isn't as lucky as me...meaning he actually had to work today. Cactus Club was the venue and instead of our usual "Two Rocket Salads and Two Diet Cokes", I had the short rib sandwich and he had the chicken tenders. He still had a Diet Coke, but I stuck it out with water.
After that, headed to another friend's place for a smoke...yes, that is now an "event".
Then off to Oakridge for coffee with a friend who's leaving on a Roman Holiday...and a Mediterranean Cruise this Sunday. Good times and good chats!
Dinner was interesting...organized a little outing with some work people to head to Earl's for a bevvy and some appies...and wouldn't you know it...we win shots. Since my bff doesn't drink...we had a drink to spare...it was a MaGical night...yup...it sure was.
Strangely more tired on a day off than I would be on a workday...sigh.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Three months in the Making Tuesday
Finally got to have dinner with one of my oldest friends (back in the Cell City days) at our favourite places tonight, Landmark Hot Pot! You know you love a place when you have their phone number locked and loaded into your head. 8722868...guess it helps when it's a traditionally honger number too! We shared prawns, beef, veggies, tofu balls and tofu skin. But the best part is the almost three-hour conversation that we had. It's like time didn't pass. Got her all caught up on my life and listened to the going-ons in her life. Considering we've been trying to get together since August...today was a monumental success! And it was made all the more special since Wednesday is a holiday!!
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Making it Monday
Mondays are bad, because of work, but good because of Skype. However, didn't Skype tonight...feeling like (and therefore looking like) death warmed over. Who needs to see that, am I right? Still got caught up though using the phone...nice and old-fashioned!
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Symphonic Sunday
Woke up late for plans with a my friend to see the VSO. Dragged my tired body out of bed and headed straight downtown after a shower. Arrived about 15 minutes ahead of the show, and gulped down an americano from Uva...good coffee there! Shouldn't have been shocked, since they do make good cocktails. They know what they are doing with their liquids...that's for sure! Stayed home afterwards to continue to recover from my cold. Made a big pot of chicken noodle soup with some yam noodles...damn, now I'm out.
Shopping Saturday
Headed out for brunch with my mommy (yes, I picked her up since she refuses to drive downtown) at Yew. It was a fabulous time, without my stepdad, we caught up on what I've been doing the past few weeks. She's surprised, happy and shocked. Surprise that I've been out so much! Happy that work is going well for me. And shocked that I enjoy my independence! Haha..like mother like daughter. She's been independent for as long as I've known her, my hero, my mentor, always.
Headed to Holt's and found out more about their Private Shopping Party on Tuesday...you know where I'll be. Now, if I can find a sugar daddy to go with me, I'd be all set, haha.
Napped for a bit after I got home. Had to rest up for dinner and a movie...
Cactus Club's dry ribs and tuna tataki...It's the type of meal that allows you to save room for popcorn!
The Fourth Kind...sigh...3:33...if I ever wake up in the middle of the night (as I often do) and the clock shows that...creepy.
Looking forward to VSO tomorrow...
Headed to Holt's and found out more about their Private Shopping Party on Tuesday...you know where I'll be. Now, if I can find a sugar daddy to go with me, I'd be all set, haha.
Napped for a bit after I got home. Had to rest up for dinner and a movie...
Cactus Club's dry ribs and tuna tataki...It's the type of meal that allows you to save room for popcorn!
The Fourth Kind...sigh...3:33...if I ever wake up in the middle of the night (as I often do) and the clock shows that...creepy.
Looking forward to VSO tomorrow...
Friday, November 06, 2009
Frikking Finally Friday
Work is crazy busy...didn't even take a break until 2pm. But, at least I managed to finish all my deadline-related issues, whew, and scored 1,000 ILR points while I was at it!
Am attending birthday party at Nu, but having drinks first at Earl's. Bumped into an old friend from my previous work...what a lovely surprise!
Ended up having dinner at Blue Water with my pal, and had a Vesper there too. Yummy food and yummy drinks!
Headed home and just chilled. Whenever I think I am going to have a boring night, a surprise visitor drops by! Again, good talks and good times. Good thing it's Saturday tomorrow...brunch with MOMMY at Yew!
Am attending birthday party at Nu, but having drinks first at Earl's. Bumped into an old friend from my previous work...what a lovely surprise!
Ended up having dinner at Blue Water with my pal, and had a Vesper there too. Yummy food and yummy drinks!
Headed home and just chilled. Whenever I think I am going to have a boring night, a surprise visitor drops by! Again, good talks and good times. Good thing it's Saturday tomorrow...brunch with MOMMY at Yew!
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Coasting to Thursday
Suffering still from the night before, but so worth it. Good friends and good times are too far and few between.
Headed to Coast for a drink with a friend, and ended up devouring two yummy rolls too! Guess that's dinner for ya! Came home and decided to make it an early night. A girl's gotta have one of those once in a while. Alas, the best laid plans...ended up having a friend over and talked for an hour about life and other meaningless things, like Boobalicious acts.
Headed to Coast for a drink with a friend, and ended up devouring two yummy rolls too! Guess that's dinner for ya! Came home and decided to make it an early night. A girl's gotta have one of those once in a while. Alas, the best laid plans...ended up having a friend over and talked for an hour about life and other meaningless things, like Boobalicious acts.
Wing Wednesday
Headed to the nearby Earl's with bff and had some wings. Even managed to get her to help me finish a bottle of wine...and a few Van Gogh shots. Yummy but deadly on a school night. It was a good time...except for the aftermath.
Drove her home afterwards, got some gas, and slept a few hours before work the next day.
Drove her home afterwards, got some gas, and slept a few hours before work the next day.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Terrific Tuesday
This was a crazy cold morning. The berry said that it was only four degrees outside! Actually took out the MaxMara coat...
If I thought I was busy at work yesterday, boy, was I wrong. Just got assigned a whole host of new duties...on top of launching the United Way campaign.
But better to be too busy than useless. I had a late meeting with my boss and just didn't even noticed that I missed my break today!
Forgot my phone at home again today, just like last Tuesday. The freedom is worth it. Might make a habit of it now...random liberation days.
Came home starving again (yes, I'm blaming the time change still) but decided that homemade chili was too much effort.
My work bff bought me some Lipton cup of soups (the large size), so maybe I'll make that and add some yam noodles to it...
Or maybe I'll boil an egg.
Or maybe I'll fry up some spam.
Or maybe I'll make garlic bread.
Or maybe I'll toss the spring mix with some dressing.
The possibiities are endless.
If I thought I was busy at work yesterday, boy, was I wrong. Just got assigned a whole host of new duties...on top of launching the United Way campaign.
But better to be too busy than useless. I had a late meeting with my boss and just didn't even noticed that I missed my break today!
Forgot my phone at home again today, just like last Tuesday. The freedom is worth it. Might make a habit of it now...random liberation days.
Came home starving again (yes, I'm blaming the time change still) but decided that homemade chili was too much effort.
My work bff bought me some Lipton cup of soups (the large size), so maybe I'll make that and add some yam noodles to it...
Or maybe I'll boil an egg.
Or maybe I'll fry up some spam.
Or maybe I'll make garlic bread.
Or maybe I'll toss the spring mix with some dressing.
The possibiities are endless.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Monday already??
Had a super busy day at work today, which helped to distract my body from the awful sleep it had the night before.
Was hungry at 11 this morning, I realized that my body also had to adjust with falling one hour behind.
Good thing I had the forethought to make myself a yummy sammy with lean capicollo, aged cheddar and some spring mix. Promised myself that I would only have half in the morning, but 5 mins of devouring later, more than two-thirds of the sammy was gone. I guess I was hungrier than I thought.
Had a fairly good night for the most part. Chatted with my 416/905 connection, and then also gave a command to Boogs that was actually obeyed. Loving the fact that I can command obedience halfway across the country...sadly, it doesn't quite carry over when I go to visit. Will put this sad fact to the test again over the Christmas holidays.
It'll be almost eight months since I've snuggled with them, and they still remember me! Dogs are truly remarkable.
I decided to put a self-imposed bad on my FB activities...too many weird things have been showing up...I just don't need that right now. Devoting myself to enjoy the moment, so friends be damned!
Tried to head to bed early to make up for last night, but alas, the best laid plans never pan out. Tomorrow is another day.
Was hungry at 11 this morning, I realized that my body also had to adjust with falling one hour behind.
Good thing I had the forethought to make myself a yummy sammy with lean capicollo, aged cheddar and some spring mix. Promised myself that I would only have half in the morning, but 5 mins of devouring later, more than two-thirds of the sammy was gone. I guess I was hungrier than I thought.
Had a fairly good night for the most part. Chatted with my 416/905 connection, and then also gave a command to Boogs that was actually obeyed. Loving the fact that I can command obedience halfway across the country...sadly, it doesn't quite carry over when I go to visit. Will put this sad fact to the test again over the Christmas holidays.
It'll be almost eight months since I've snuggled with them, and they still remember me! Dogs are truly remarkable.
I decided to put a self-imposed bad on my FB activities...too many weird things have been showing up...I just don't need that right now. Devoting myself to enjoy the moment, so friends be damned!
Tried to head to bed early to make up for last night, but alas, the best laid plans never pan out. Tomorrow is another day.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Helping a friend through a fairly difficult time. Figured words from "famous" people might mean more than "my" words.
Found two songs from Daughtry that offers hope. Hope it means something to someone.
The lyrics are so sad...and so true...better to have loved and lost, all that...
Another song from Daughtry...
Found two songs from Daughtry that offers hope. Hope it means something to someone.
The lyrics are so sad...and so true...better to have loved and lost, all that...
Another song from Daughtry...
Sunny Sunday
Another action-packed day. Heading out to Fraiche for brunch with my BFF and her baby boy. Sometimes, she says the wisest things. Her life should be my model.
Brunch was awesome, who knew two eggs, turkey sausage and toast could be SO filling!
Shopped on Robson for a bit afterwards and treated myself to a new pair of fuzzy slippers...just something to keep the feet warm until I breakdown and bring my bedroom blanket out.
But in order to do that, I'll need to get the new duvet first.
Went to Loden/Voya for drinks with my friend from Cibo. Going to restaurants with a foodie is totally different...we were treated to champagne, tuna sliders and BBQ ribs.
I feel wrong, but it was so decadent! Champagne in the afternoon is always a good thing. Also had a "Corpse Eater" made with rye and lemonade.
Came home after all that excitement and really feel like I needed a nap. But decided to stay up for a bit and call it an early night.
I can't wait to head into bed with The Lost Symbol...
Brunch was awesome, who knew two eggs, turkey sausage and toast could be SO filling!
Shopped on Robson for a bit afterwards and treated myself to a new pair of fuzzy slippers...just something to keep the feet warm until I breakdown and bring my bedroom blanket out.
But in order to do that, I'll need to get the new duvet first.
Went to Loden/Voya for drinks with my friend from Cibo. Going to restaurants with a foodie is totally different...we were treated to champagne, tuna sliders and BBQ ribs.
I feel wrong, but it was so decadent! Champagne in the afternoon is always a good thing. Also had a "Corpse Eater" made with rye and lemonade.
Came home after all that excitement and really feel like I needed a nap. But decided to stay up for a bit and call it an early night.
I can't wait to head into bed with The Lost Symbol...
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